Sunday, May 3, 2020

Obsession to Lose Weight

While some skinny people are trying to gain weight, most of the world is obsessed with obesity. Weight gain is one of the biggest challenges of current time which is linked to many diseases such as heart diseases, arthritis, diabetes, certain cancers.

What is the cause of weight gain? Some of the reasons are:
·         Insomnia: Due to lake of sleep some people tend to gain weight
·         Hormonal changes
·         pregnancy for woman
·         Overeating
·         Anxiety or Depression: Some people tend to eat more due to anxiety
·         Thyroid Disorder

Also, people are very concerned now, they want to lose weight and stay fit, improve personality. Some go for morning walks & jogging. Some hit the gym. The hard part is to change the food habits. In some way our lifestyle also contributes to wight gain. I too go for morning walk. I find lot of people on the road, some of them start very early in the morning, some of them very late. They walk in groups, slowly, talking to each other. That is not going to help them lose weight. All you will gain is relaxation and due to too much relaxation may be a little weight.

The obsession with weight loss is so much that you search on internet or youtube you will see millions of posts on them. On Instagram and facebook, there are hell lot of posts. It seems social media is gaining weight on weight loss tips. Several websites dedicated to weight loss.

It is good that people search on internet how to lose weight. It shows they are concerned about their health. They should be. Afterall everyone has right to stay fit and healthy.

Here are few tips to lose weight you might want to try.

  1. Change your food habits
  2. Eat more carbs and less fat.
  3. Eat more vegetables
  4. Exercise at least 30 mins a day
  5. Get proper sleep

There are very simple ones which might work on you. You should try. Below are few links where you can find interesting tips

Home remedies to lose weight in 2 weeks
20-Minute Bodyweight Workout for Weight Loss 
The 8 Best Exercises for Weight Loss
Losing weight when you work from home

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Watch Tower

A watch tower amid crop fields in the winter morning. It gives the feeling of a painting.

Location: Nabarangpur, Odisha, India

Friday, April 24, 2020

Search for Source of Sound

It was close to midnight. I was neither fully asleep nor fully awake. A peculiar sound disturbed me.

I could not at once comprehend  what it was. It was very faint, though it annoyed me. And I wanted to know where it was coming from. My mind was not at peace.

          It was like water droplets falling on a wooden board or on a rustic tin.
          Ticking of a wooden clock.
          May be an old fan, not whirling just shaking.

I wanted to find out.
I went to kitchen to check whether I had left the water tap open. No. Peeped into the bathroom to find any water leakage. No.

Coming back to my room, I stood close to the window, setting the curtain aside. Cool breeze brushed past me with the barking of dog and the voice of an alcohol intoxicated moron shouting elsewhere.

The noise that I was searching for was coming from first floor of the building or from neighboring house. I was not sure.

My home was my boundary. I tried to sleep again. The sound was like that of a fast moving clock.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lines from My Red Diary

‡ The world is very selfish. You are remembered when you are needed. Otherwise who you are no one knows.

‡ Everyone who looks alive from outside is alive?

‡ Tiny drops of rain falling on body and making the body wet little by little, touching every bit of 
sense, a feeling they give thrilled me and I walked to return to my room in the rain.

‡ The morning was very romantic. The clouds over the sky in the winter November raining slightly, the rhythmic sound of raindrops, the trees in their greenness expressing their youthfulness and cool breeze blowing.

‡ I don’t want to get wet in sorrow.

‡ How difficult it has become just to give a simple smile!

‡ Things seem so scattered; it has become almost impossible to gather them.

Every minute seems so long
Every step going wrong
Submerged in sorrow
Drowned in the ocean of tomorrow
Forgetting today, only past seems my own.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Power of Habit

Habits play an important role in everyone’s life. At times, they become so significant that they tend to control our lifestyle and determine our character. So, what is Habit?

An activity or practice that is done frequently, on a regular basis is called habit. It develops over time. It could be a human behavior, a physical activity or a thought process in mind. It becomes so crucial for a person subconsciously that it is hard to give up. It does not need any effort to occur, it just happens.

Some people bite their nails. When there is a pen in hand, people start scribbling on woods, chairs, anywhere. Smoking. Shaking the legs while seated. Chewing tobacco. Even people have such habit, that they need to drink tea or coffee or they need a smoke before going to toilet. Otherwise it does not come out.

Depending upon nature of habit it is called either a good habit or a bad habit, at times just habit.  Good habits tend to yield fruitful results where as bad habits could impact your life negatively.

Some good habits like reading books or newspaper can keep you updated, increasing your knowledge. By taking regular notes, you seldom forget things to be done. Keeps objects in places mean you don’t need to spend time searching for them. Practicing yoga or exercise regularly keeps you healthy. Saving money without spending on unnecessary things can help you in future.

Chewing tobacco can ruin your teeth and gums, moreover t causes cancer. Drinking too much tea or coffee makes you a caffeine addict. Consuming alcohol, a very common and growing habit among the youth can harm the ability to think properly on the long run and various health hazards. Interrupting people in the middle can make you very unpopular among friends. Gambling habit can make you lose money.

I have a friend who needs a smoke break every hour. It affects his performance at work, because it takes fifteen minutes in total to come down by lift, smoke and to go back to his desk. In a working day, he spends 2 hours for smoking, out of rest six hours he must work along with other needs. Consuming 8 to 10 cigarettes a day, does not do any good to his health.

Can a habit be changed? Because habits are so powerful, the become an integral part of our life, thus becoming hard to give up. You must remember you did not develop the habit overnight. It happened over time. Scientists have found out it takes at least 21 days of regular practice for something to become a habit.

That does not mean habits cannot be changed. It is possible. It takes a bit of conscious effort and awareness. It cannot be done immediately but if you give yourself time and with determination you can do it.

You can cut down from 12 cigarettes to 11 for few days and then to 10. And it can be reduced to a very minimum. Instead of chewing tobacco before toilet try drinking a glass of water. Habits can be changed and replaced with another one as well.

A practice or activity, before it becomes a habit may seem trivial initially. But when it turns into a habit, unless it is a good one, takes time to be replaced.  When you do something, observe yourself are you falling into a pattern doing it repeatedly. Good habits can make your life better and a bad one can ruin it. That is the power of habit. Life can change drastically because of them.

Choose your action consciously.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Slowing Down

It is not age though
I can feel, I am slowing down
To open the eyes, it took eternity
Sound I cannot hear
Of my own breath
Faint are my foot steps
In this worldly noise
My own voice I do not hear
Only time is running at pace.

Read other poems here.

Friday, March 27, 2020

An Evening In Pushkar

An evening in Pushkar, Rajasthan. Every year Pushkar Mela happens, where the traders sell cattle, Camels. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID-19: Importance of Social Distancing & Social Media Distancing

Corona virus (COVID-19) has not spared any country in the world. The death toll in Italy is the highest whereas the population of the country is around 6 crores. That’s how deadly Corona virus could get. Considering the current situation in India, it is in a very crucial stage.

 As WHO has declared COVID-19 a pandemic, Govt. of India is taking necessary steps to prevent the number of affected patients and death caused by the deadly virus. As one infected person has capability to infect many others, it is necessary to break the chain. Otherwise it will keep on compounding. And we might have to face a similar situation as in Italy.

 It has been seen various posts circling over social media that people are not obeying the lock-down procedure and coming out of their houses. As a consequence, they are facing the wrath of the police who is patrolling the whole day on the streets of the country.

Despite of good medical facility country like USA, France, Britain are facing challenges.


Social Distancing:
First the people were asked for a Janta Curfew, and then 21 days of lock-down was initiated by the Prime Minister of India. It is highly necessary at this point of time if we want to avert a disaster. Stay at home. Do not gather at places. Be quick to get things for home and obey the lock-down and police. 

As a responsible citizen and a big contribution to the country, maintain social distancing for twenty-one days.   

There will be challenges. But we must face it together. People will blame the Govt. if it goes out of control. But before we accuse the Govt. just ask yourself once, “Am I following the guidelines of lock-down properly? Have I obeyed it correctly till now?”

Social Media Distancing:

Social media has its own role in every situation. The corona virus has also affected social media, news channels. There are videos, face and true guidelines, information posted every second. But we must not trust all of them.

 Follow “break the chain” system here as well. Do not keep on sharing whatever videos or messages you get over FB or whatsapp.  The data is posted for COVID-19 over by the Govt. Follow “social media distancing” as well for COVID-19 messages or news or videos. 

Let every citizen of the country play their part, and the circumstances will get better.

Stay Home.
Stay Safe.

Headless Man And Cow

Headless Cow and Man | Street Photography 

Click on Picture for larger view.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Positivity of Saying 'NO'

Most of you might have watched the movie ‘Pink’. It was one of the best movies, different from mainstream. In the movie, there was a scene of courtroom where veteran Actor Amitabh Bachchan playing the role of a lawyer says, “The word ‘No’ in itself is a sentence.” Interesting. 

The word ‘Yes’, is a sentence as well. People mostly emphasize on saying ‘yes’. It represents positivity. That is true but not entirely. 

Saying ‘yes’, depending on situation can be negative. It could impact you badly. Take in consideration a situation. A month ago, you have planned to go on vacation with family or friends. You have made all the arrangements. Suddenly a new assignment comes up. You are intimated about it and asked to change you vacation plan because that assignment is very important, the client must be impressed, and the leadership wants the task to be completed within time frame. What would be your response? Yes or No. If you say ‘yes’ think what you are losing. The task might get completed in time or maybe not. But you will miss a quality time with your friends or family. Your planning goes in vain. You will end up disappointing your close ones who add value to your life. And in the end a piece of your mind. 

You should leave office at 6pm every day, but you are asked to extend till 7pm. What would you do? Once a while it is fine but not everyday. 

A student is interested in studying English literature but he is asked by his parents to take Mathematics. If he agrees, then his parents might be happy at that point of time. But later all of them will be disappointed. The student will not do well in the subject and the parents will regret that their son/daughter is not studying well. 

Similar thing happens in a relationship, if it is too stressing or things are not working out between the two, then they must stop. Otherwise it will grow bitter day by day. 

“No” is just a two-letter word which is a very powerful sentence. It defines your interest and decision. You must represent yourself in the situation where it is wise to say ‘no’. And you must be wise enough to choose between ‘yes’ and ‘no’. 

When to say ‘no’? it is very crucial. If you are not interested in something, say it. Say ‘no’ by choice. It gives you power to deny something. You could be in dilemma for saying yes. If you are not capable of doing something say ‘no’ at that moment. Otherwise you will be stressed out. Later you should make yourself capable enough before you agree to take up the task. No one would wish to end up in misery by saying ‘yes’ when you could avoid it.  If there is too much expectation associated with something, if you say ‘no’ the level of expectation goes down. But if you can do well it is blissful for everyone. That is why it is wise to know when you should say the word. 

You must remember you cannot always say ‘no’. If you can do something, you should do it without denying. When you say yes or no, it shows your strength & weakness. And accordingly, you should work on them.

‘No’ is a sentence which gives you enormous power. You should not misuse it. It shows your courage to accept or deny. It defines your choice and decision, represents both your strength and weakness. It is the power that comes from within.

Let your ‘NO’ bring positivity, prosperity and power to your life.  

More books on: Art of saying No

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Are You Employed by Trouble?

People face situations at every stage of life. Be it home or office, in relationships, dealing with other people. The level of difficulty may differ in the situations. Some could be extremely easy to face and others could be very difficult to deal with.  So it could be a challenge or a trouble.

When a person is employed, he gets remuneration, sometimes bonus and depending upon the job pension after retirement.

When one considers a situations trouble the criticality increases. Troubles are not really friendly. It is the inability to handle the situation or task that creates the trouble and they are not really friendly.  They often play with the mind, keeping it occupied, forcing the mind to think about it and be perturbed. As a weakness, the fear cripples the conscience, and the person is now employed by trouble to work for it. That causes a lot of stress physically and psychologically.

Think of a person getting chest pain sometimes. And he gets worried about it thinking whether he is getting a heart attack or choke? Or it could be something very serious. Negative thoughts nest in the mind and they can be very dangerous than the pain itself. The simple solution here is to consult a doctor or a cardiologist, who can clear the doubts about the pain and clear the clutter out of body and most importantly, the mind.

Instead of thinking of trouble, if one considers it as a challenge, it becomes highly beneficial for the person. Once it is accepted as challenge, the next is to take a step towards it to overcome.  One step at a time and you can move closer to solve the challenge or be very close to a very satisfactory result that could have been a trouble. One more thing you can do is to make right choices in right time so that you could avoid unnecessary trouble.

When you face a challenge
  • Stop worrying
  • Stop telling about it to everyone (they have their lot to share)
  • Assess the criticality
  • Consider the steps to overcome the challenge
  • Reconsider the steps
  • Seek help from those who can be helpful

Live trouble free life.

Discover Hidden Potential of Your Mind. Read: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Friday, March 20, 2020

A Watch Tower Amid Crop Fields

A watch tower amid the crop fields in the winter morning. It looks like a painting
Nabarangpur, Odisha | India 

#travel #nature #photography